The Indian Economy is on the verge of continuous development in almost all the sectors. The number f B-Schools that are popping up in the country is large in number. The general scenario being that the number of students who undertake various courses related to the management has been increasing. B-schools are comfortably adopting themselves to the changing curriculum and work environment also. All efforts are being done from the part of these institutions to make their students employable after finishing in their studies. As a part of that initiative candidates are normally equipped with all the necessary skill sets which are needed for a particular job and which in turn will enable them to get in to an organization with high repute.
When we observe in general the number of institutions which offer in management education is in large number. It’s equally important to analyze these institutes from close side and if at all selecting certain B- schools, it should be made on certain criteria’s. These criteria’s may be differing from individual to another.

Apart from that there may be general criteria’s on the basis of which an institute can be selected.
The most important question which arises here is that – From the numerous B-schools which offer in various courses, how many of them impart quality education to the students who opt such courses? When we observe, its evident that there may be institutes which has showing its presence for so long in the country- such can be trusted on the grounds that they may have adequate experience in this field and the students or people have considerable amount of trust in them. Apart from that there may be several other institutes which have just joined the race of imparting managerial education. In such a situation it becomes extremely difficult for a student to analyze all the factors and make a good choice regarding the selection of B-schools.
How good are you in selection?
This is a major step in an individual’s career. The decision made at this point may or can influence the

overall growth of his /her career. The career will only reach significant heights only when the candidate makes smart selection in this regard. It’s a general observation that the number of candidates who enter in to B- schools for various courses may have previous work experiences which may be short or long period. The top B-schools are very keen in considering the candidates having work experience in a particular domain.
The students should understand that what makes a good decision regarding the B-school selection. It’s always the reputation and name of the institute that gains importance rather than the type of course pursued by an individual. For example, there is MBA as well PGDM which is offered by many institutes. One degree is not superior to another. Many students have a misconception that since PGDM is a diploma its value is lesser than that of MBA. But the fact is that many reputed B-schools such as the IIMs etc provide mainly the Diploma. All the companies look upon the value of the course in terms of the institute as well as the potential of the students at the time of recruitment.
B-Schools – Which to apply?
The students are always confused regarding the question to which B-school one need to apply. This is a tough decision as it needs good amount of research. The students should keep in mind several criteria’s before making the final decision regarding this matter.
Placement Records
Most of the B-schools boasts of high or full percentage of placement records for it students. The number of management institutions that are coming up in the country is large. The different offers that these institutes give out should not be considered initially, in-depth analysis regarding this issue should be done. The B-schools may always exaggerate the true picture of the placement process in their institutes. An important factor being the number of offers on an average that each student gets. From this parameter it self the B-school placement nature can be judged.
Quality that matters
The quality can be in all areas – faculty, students, facilities etc. The institute should have a perfect mix of faculties who may be employed as part time and full time basis also. The faculties should help the students in assessing their weak points and correct them. A continuous monitoring of their performance should be done. The quality of the faculty can also be analyzed from the previous and current student community of

the particular institute.
They may provide a true and actual picture regarding this factor. The interaction with the students also helps in better learning prospective. A group of highly talented students may enhance the learning objectives. Some institutes have a rigorous selection process, which in a way helps to maintain the student quality. Infrastructural facilities such as computer lab, high-speed Internet facility, library and classrooms equipped with audio-visual techniques for teaching. All these facilities in general determine the class of the institute.
Image – Dominates
The image of a B-school does not require any special focus as it is a predominant factor which cannot be ignored. Institutes such as IIMs etc need have reputation on certain grounds which were existent long back in the country. Any new institute which has been set up will certainly take time to scale up in this industry in terms of all the general requirements. It always takes in help from the older institutes in creating a separate space for them.
When a new IIM is set up, students already have a trust in such an institute because of the quality of education with regard to IIMs in general. The brand name benefits can be taken in to account which makes more students inclined towards that.
While in the process of analyzing the various factors, every factor has a positive as well as negative aspect which has to be kept in mind. The students need to prioritize their needs and accordingly consider the factors. The most important factor which may affect a candidate should be given importance and decision should be made accordingly. Ultimately amidst of all these factors it’s the skill and talent/caliber of the candidates which matter.
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